The plan is to keeping going The plan is to not gather moss The plan is to remember The plan is to not reminisce The plan is to hold dear The plan is to not keep holding on The plan is to stay calm The plan is to not melt down The plan is to survive.
Ok I was supposed to post this last year... somehow didn't ... but completing it now:
A friend asked me the other day what happened to JR. Did I meet him for coffee? Well before I reply to that question. Here's part two of the exchange.
Wed 28, May 2008, JR wrote:
Your name evokes pleasant sensations..
Prasad : An offering to the Gods … Potentially delectable?
Ramamurthy: God’s image (Let’s not get into Ram’s existential crisis for the moment)… Simply divine?
Your blog mentioned ‘journalist’, but I don’t remember TV being mentioned. Thanks for telling me. At some point in time, when you feel like it, tell me more about your job.
I don’t watch TV at all, so you’ll have to also tell me where and when to look out for you. Coincidentally, or perhaps, not so coincidentally, I was part of a TV channel years ago, till it went bust . Home TV. Do you remember it? It was fun while it lasted..
So you were born in Shivaji Park. I went to school near there.. Bombay Scottish. Small world, huh?
I haven't heard this one about the year of 'Pungi bajao, lungi hatao' . Is it for real or are you pulling a fast one?
Sounds rather risqué ..
Pungi bajao? As in ‘blow’ your own trumpet.. or shall we say, instrument?
No ambiguity at all about ‘lungi hatao’ ..
So you were born in that year. I shall await the ‘coming’ of the coffee to judge for myself the cosmic implications of this conjunction of events..
And.. you lust after curd rice and pickles..on ‘hot’ afternoons. Does this mean you’re an ultra cool guy (the curd rice) with a hint of spice (the pickle)? Hmmm…
Am I being too simplistic.. or possibly too facetious?
My chosen skill. Hmmmmmmmm...
Now you have hit at the very core of MY existential crisis. The answer is very honestly: I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure it out. Let’s say I’ve had the privilege of taking my time…
I did make a 55 minute documentary last year, and it has been screened a few times. So you could say I’m ‘visual’ too.. like you.
More in my next mail..
Wed 28, May 2008, Visualscribe wrote:
I owe you an apology.
My last mail to you was an embarrassment. You didn’t deserve it.
My big mistake was in looking for a physical connection when I had already found something rare and precious.. a mental connection.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
I really look forward to that cuppa..
Till then, I wish you love, peace… J
.... Mr J ... coffee still awaits...
Recently I realised I had not posted in well over a year. This, given that I started this blog only 'cause I had stopped writing in - forever. I of course, blamed the job, the working hours, the constant state of exhaustion for it. But in the past year, all that has tremedously reduced. So why have I not been writing? Well the simple and straight forward answer is: I don't know. But I do know that I want to change that. Rectify it as best as I can. The only way I have realised to improve my writing, is by writing. Writing more. More often. Often as possible. When ideas take root, words take flow, posts happen. Or something like that.While I write out my next post - on my recent Bangalorean soujourn where I was sent to report, manage reporting, essentially keep a track of things, instead pondered on other essentials - here's a recent exchange with someone who read my blog. I'm still getting over the fact that someone still reads my stale blog. But hey there's atleast one person and that person's written to me. I don't know if he would want to the world to know, but that's a risk I'll take. Simply cause the exchange itself brought out some nice writing (I think so, you are welcome to differ). Read on